Saturday, September 20, 2008

Moms Night Out! and Potty Present!

So I'm feeling better. Still a bit sore but better than yesterday! Of course now - I think I'm getting a cold. Fun, eh? I'm really hoping it's just allergies though! All 3 of us have stuffy heads, runny noses and sneezing.

Today we spent the day toy shopping. We left at about 2 and got home at 6:30. Today was the day to get the potty present!! I created a chart for Bryce a few weeks ago and every day he stayed dry he got a sticker and every time he went #2 he got a sticker. Each thing had 14 places to put a sticker. So after 28 stickers I told him he could get whatever toy he wanted! Today was toy store day! First we went to Target but he said he didn't see anything he liked. So then we went to Toys R Us. He ended up getting the True Heroes Military Island Playset. It's got a bunch of plastic "army guys", tanks, airplanes and barricades. He LOVES those little army guys. He takes them with him everywhere and loves to line them up everywhere. He's probably got a good 100+ of them. He's SOOOO happy right now.

Tonight I have another Moms Night Out at my girlfriend Tracy's house. Last night was Bunco - tonight MNO. It's a rough life but someone's got to live it! ;-) It actually just so happens that my 2 MNO's this month land on the same weekend so Dave is watching Bryce both nights. Although because I feel a little crappy I don't know how late I'm going to stay out. I have a feeling I won't be going wild and crazy tonight!

Well, Bryce is calling for me to help him carry all of his army guys upstairs so he can line them up in his room on his furniture. I better get down there and help him!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Wow... a lot has gone on since my last posting. It's been a whirlwind of fertility! No... I'm not pregnant... but I have started seeing a specialist. I don't mind people knowing because I can use all of the support I can get! I was the same with my last pregnancy... I told a lot of people early because I figured if I did miscarry I would be telling them anyway... I needed the support and that's exactly what happened. It's been about 18 months since my miscarriage and no luck so I figured I'd go and see if anything was wrong.

My first appointment with the Dr. was last Wednesday and apparently all the testing they do starts on Day 1... and lucky me.... Day 1 was appointment day! So needless to say, in the last week I've had plenty of tests done. Yesterday was my HSG or hysterosalpingogram. During this test they shoot some dye into you and then do a series of x-rays to see if any tubes are blocked. I read up on the procedure the night before and the nurse informed me all about it. I knew there would be some pain but I read that it wasn't that bad. A few months ago I had cryosurgery and everyone seemed to advise that that procedure was much worse. HA.

I hurt. I don't know if it's because I was expecting pain with my cryosurgery and therefore it just didn't seem bad. With this one I wasn't expecting much at all so maybe it's worse because it does hurt! It's not intolerable. Although I would say it's a tiny bit worse than monthly cramping. It's just extremely uncomfortable and my whole body is very achy. Sigh.

Onto some good news - Bryce is totally potty trained. He goes by himself now and I dont' have to remind him. It's AWESOME!

Well, I have to go get ready now for another Dr. appointment (fun!) but I'll update again soon.