Thursday, June 26, 2008

Racecar Races Part 2

Here are the pictures from the playdate yesterday. Here the boys are painting their racecars. Notice how my vinyl tablecloth matches the shelf in the background. All of my furniture and accessories are blue, purple or green.Bryce doesn't really like to color or paint. I don't know why. He'd rather run around and play. So here he is with his "finished" unfinished racecar. He insisted on wearing his racecar outfit from Halloween the WHOLE day... even though it was near 90.
Then we had lunch. I used cookie cutters to cut out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches into racecars. I don't think any of the boys really even noticed but I had fun with it. :-)
Here the boys are racing their cars down the raceway. When I was getting the lumber in Home Depot a guy stopped me and asked what I was making. I told him about the race track and the beanbag game. He said.. wow, you're really that good? I replied... um, yeah! Although I don't really think my racetrack qualifies as "good". I need to get 2x4's and nail them to the sides of the track and then construct a pedastal. Then I'll be "that good". lol
Here's one of Bryce's friends racing his car down!
I think the boys had a lot of fun. I love having themed playdates at the house. I buy a bunch from Oriental Trading and then schedule them about every other week. I usually have about 12 kids attend (and their moms come to hang out too!). My moms group is pretty active and we have about 200 moms in the group so it's pretty easy to get people to come out although there are a lot of regulars in my area that come out all the time. I've become really good friends with a lot of the active gals in the group and we have so much fun! Speaking of playgroups - we have another one tomorrow at Bryce's friends house so I better get some chores done around the house since we'll be out for most of the day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Racecar Beanbag Game

So today we hosted a racecar playdate at our house. It was so much fun! The boys painted unfinished racecars this morning and then while we waited for them to dry we played a beanbag game that I made. After the game and some play we ate sandwiches in the shape of racecars and then after lunch we raced the cars down a racetrack! I'll post some pictures tomorrow but first I wanted to show you what I've been working on for the past 2 days...

Here it is cut out of the plywood:

and painted!
The 68 is so that I don't forget when I made it. 6 for June and 8 for 2008. The boys didn't play with it too much but I'm sure I'll be able to pull it out a few times and get some playtime out of it!

Monday, June 16, 2008

So - when does it get easier??!

These few weeks have been pretty trying. Goodness - I'm such a pessimistic sometimes. I feel like once I get through this - I can recharge for the next roller coaster ride but really - I should just look at this as the excitement of life! So here's what has been going on...

After the whole Croup incident - Bryce is doing great now, thanks! - I got 2 speeding tickets from the new speed camera in town. Granted - I was going over the speed limit by 12 miles but they allow 11 miles over. So basically - I was 1 over the "allowed". Both times! Pretty aggravating. Most of my friends have gotten a ticket also so I just think it's pretty obvious the speed posted is just too low! :-) Granted, it's before going into a school zone and it's posted at 30 mph BUT it's a major road. Plus, it's a 4 lane road and the camera is on the opposite side of the school - so basically the child would have to run through 2 lanes of traffic to get to the other side and most likely would not make it. Therefore... what's the point??! Shouldn't the camera be on the other side?? But its not. My opinion - 40 mph would be just fine. The county didn't call me about it though so oh well. Really - they just want money and wow, are they getting it. I HATE that camera. You'd think we'd all get used to where it is but it's right after a turn and a light so most moms are thinking about something else. Guys - they can think about it easily and then go back to their thoughts but women - the stream of consciousness just gets in the way.

Not only did I get the tickets but the then over the weekend I got in a car accident. Seriously, I feel like the worst driver in the world! I haven't had a ticket in YEARS and I've never ever caused an accident. Well, in about a week in a half I've done both. It's enough to make you never want to drive again! There was no avoiding the accident though - looking back.. there's nothing I could have done any different. Well - except keep 3 car lengths distance between me and the car ahead of me but on Georgia Rd you can't do that - they weave like crazy! The guy ahead of me was stopping at a light so I started to stop - then he decided to switch lanes so I eased up a bit on my brake. He ended up not switching lanes (don't know why) and slammed on his brakes. I slammed on mine but the car just didn't stop in time. If he had been 6 inches further up we would have been fine but well - he wasn't and boom. Unfortunately, the guy had no idea what to do in a car accident except request an ambulance. Granted - I hope he wasn't hurt... but it just was a little fishy. He was walking around before the police showed up. Needless to say, I had to sit and watch them take him out of the car on a stretcher and it was a little too much for my nerves. In the end - I ended up getting yet ANOTHER ticket for failure to control speed and causing a collision. Can you believe it??! 3 tickets?! Seriously - driving - not so fun anymore. Plus - with me, the guilt just eats at me. Really though, in the grand scheme of things... it was a really, really small accident. It just upsets me to spend money on something so stupid though.

What next - well, Tuesday Bryce had to go to the Dr. again because I found a tick on him about 40 minutes before my Dr. appt. for cryosurgery. I tried to pull it out but it came out in pieces so he had to go to the dr. to make sure the head was out. I then went to the dr. for my oh so fun procedure which didn't go too bad - it just wasn't pleasant.

And well today... we have no water. There was a main water break last night and we haven't had water since about 10 pm. Which isn't awful... I can definitely deal and we do have some drinking water but the whole toilet thing is a little annoying. I don't have enough water to flush with and the 3 grocery stores in town are all out. Hopefully water will be restored soon but seriously.... when will this bad streak stop??

Ok - I'm going to think positive now. It might actually rain today! Yay! Maybe I'll catch enough rain in my buckets to be able to flush! I don't think I've been this happy about possible rain in the summer for a long time! :-)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Teacher Gifts

Here are the teacher gifts we made for Teacher Appreciation Week and for End of School. I thought I'd share them. I got the ideas for them from other blogs. They turned out really cute!

Here are the water bottles we gave for Teacher Appreciation Week. I made one each for Bryce's teachers, music teacher, chapel leader and the 2 director's of the preschool.
Here is what Bryce gave to his teachers as an End of School Year gifts. The 2 pink buckets went to his classroom teachers, Ms. Sally and Ms. Debbie. In them we put a shower gel, pedicure set, pumice rock and a gift certificate for a pedicure at a local salon. There's nothing like getting your feet pampered and ready for sandal weather! To the Director and Asst. Director we painted the flower pots and planted them with pink impatiens that we have been growing.
The teachers seemed to really love the gifts. I love giving homemade things things that are practical and pretty.

So Bryce is now out of school (boy am I going to miss those 6 hours of me time!) and what did we do for the first week of school? Go to the hospital! Bryce woke up last night at about 11:30 coughing and gasping for air. I went into his room and my goodness, the poor kid looked so scared! I thought he was having an asthma attack (as far as I knew he didn't have asthma) and I was really scared. I called the on call pediatrician nurse and Dave got him on his side which calmed his breathing a little. He was fine yesterday during the day (had a slight cough but to me it just sounded like allergies). After he calmed down the nurse listened to him on the phone and she thought it was probably croup. I didn't even think about it because he had it when he was a baby and I didn't realize they can still get it at 4ish. We got him in the bathroom with the shower running for the steam and he went into another croup attack. This time his lips lost some color so the nurse had me call 911. Well, 2 ambulances got here with 3 fire emts and 2 medics. My bathroom wasn't big enough for all of those people! By the time everyone got there he was breathing better - they listened to him and suggested we go to the emergency room because his chest didn't sound that great. At the hospital they officially diagnosed him with Croup and gave him some steroids to open his chest up a bit. We got home and to sleep at around 2ish. The poor kid was exhausted! Although he woke up today full of energy and acting just fine. He wanted to know who's house we could go to today (can you believe him?!). He again has a very slight cough today and it sounds totally different than last night's cough. If you saw him today you would never believe we had an ambulance at our house last night! Needless to say I felt a little dumb - but the dr. reassured me that what we did was the right thing. One never knows exactly how swollen the larynx could be during croup and it could actually swell shut. So how he acted before we brought him in and what we did was the right thing.

Right now he is resting and watching TV. I'm afraid to put him to bed too early because it could act up again tonight. Although I guess I should start putting him to bed now. It's already 9:30. Later!