I found this blog via another blog I read written by Tootsie (the link to her blog is on the right hand column). This blogger writes about "Contentment Therapy." She's trying to get other people to join her on her journey to contentment and I decided I am going to give it a go.
She wants us to blog on it daily and I am definitely going to try and do this. I've been wanting to blog on a more regular basis anyhow and this might just be the way to help me do it. Also - I had also planned on straightening up my house and I want to use this challenge to help me do so. Clutter and chaos in my house just causes me to stress. I've never really been that great at putting things away or doing things on a routine and I want to get better at it. I can't stand having things all over the place! Although really, I am the one to blame for most of that! I want to be able to do my laundry on a daily basis so it doesn't turn into a huge task. Right now I have piles upon piles in my room and I am dreading doing it!
So for November I am going to share my journey on getting my house put together with you! I'm going to try and get the many, many projects that I've wanted done ... done and also work on others around the house (and being frugal while doing so!).
We're supposed to start on November 1st but I'm going to try and start today. It should be interesting. Wish me luck!
11 hours ago