Monday, September 28, 2009

What I've been up to...

So after a long break I've decided to return to my blog. Now that Bryce is back in school and the new little one takes great naps in the morning... I have some time to type while I'm gulping down my morning cup o' joe.

So you ask - what have I been up to? Well... Bryce and I had a very interesting summer. After school ended in May we got ready for my sister in law's wedding. Bryce was the ring bearer and my hubby n I were both attendants. We had a blast and it was a gorgeous affair. The weather was spectacular and she ended up with some fantastic outdoor shots! Everything went smoothly (unlike my own wedding) and we all had a glorious day. My bridesmaid dress actually looked stunning - I was afraid of looking like a tent considering I was 7 months pregnant. I was very happy with the outcome of it.

My favorite part of the reception?... the yummy appetizers! I actually took a break from dinner to run back to the bridal suite to get me some more of the appetizers that were still set up! MMM mmm good!

Bryce was the most adorable ring bearer! He did a great job and was so proud!

Here are some pics of the wedding for now... the new little one is hungry right now so I've got to go feed him... I'll update some more tomorrow!

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