Here are the teacher gifts we made for Teacher Appreciation Week and for End of School. I thought I'd share them. I got the ideas for them from other blogs. They turned out really cute!
Here are the water bottles we gave for Teacher Appreciation Week. I made one each for Bryce's teachers, music teacher, chapel leader and the 2 director's of the preschool.
Here is what Bryce gave to his teachers as an End of School Year gifts. The 2 pink buckets went to his classroom teachers, Ms. Sally and Ms. Debbie. In them we put a shower gel, pedicure set, pumice rock and a gift certificate for a pedicure at a local salon. There's nothing like getting your feet pampered and ready for sandal weather! To the Director and Asst. Director we painted the flower pots and planted them with pink impatiens that we have been growing.
The teachers seemed to really love the gifts. I love giving homemade things things that are practical and pretty.
So Bryce is now out of school (boy am I going to miss those 6 hours of me time!) and what did we do for the first week of school? Go to the hospital! Bryce woke up last night at about 11:30 coughing and gasping for air. I went into his room and my goodness, the poor kid looked so scared! I thought he was having an asthma attack (as far as I knew he didn't have asthma) and I was really scared. I called the on call pediatrician nurse and Dave got him on his side which calmed his breathing a little. He was fine yesterday during the day (had a slight cough but to me it just sounded like allergies). After he calmed down the nurse listened to him on the phone and she thought it was probably croup. I didn't even think about it because he had it when he was a baby and I didn't realize they can still get it at 4ish. We got him in the bathroom with the shower running for the steam and he went into another croup attack. This time his lips lost some color so the nurse had me call 911. Well, 2 ambulances got here with 3 fire emts and 2 medics. My bathroom wasn't big enough for all of those people! By the time everyone got there he was breathing better - they listened to him and suggested we go to the emergency room because his chest didn't sound that great. At the hospital they officially diagnosed him with Croup and gave him some steroids to open his chest up a bit. We got home and to sleep at around 2ish. The poor kid was exhausted! Although he woke up today full of energy and acting just fine. He wanted to know who's house we could go to today (can you believe him?!). He again has a very slight cough today and it sounds totally different than last night's cough. If you saw him today you would never believe we had an ambulance at our house last night! Needless to say I felt a little dumb - but the dr. reassured me that what we did was the right thing. One never knows exactly how swollen the larynx could be during croup and it could actually swell shut. So how he acted before we brought him in and what we did was the right thing.
Right now he is resting and watching TV. I'm afraid to put him to bed too early because it could act up again tonight. Although I guess I should start putting him to bed now. It's already 9:30. Later!
1 week ago
I would've been scared out of my wits. I'm so glad to hear he's okay!! Poor thing. I hope he's better soon.
Rats! I almost forgot teacher's gifts. You totally reminded me.
Best wishes for Bryce's speedy recovery.
I LOVE the teachers' gifts. I am thinking that your idea could be used for other occasions too. Brilliant!
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